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Shelter from the Storm

The York County Bar Foundation's Shelter from the Storm Partnership was created to secure funding related to the Bar-funded family-law attorney at MidPenn Legal Services and the Bar's attorney access-to-justice coordinator.

As part of this partnership, the Bar Association is matching donations with $2 for every $1 raised. The matching funding will be transferred from the Bar Association to the endowment of the Bar Foundation. The Bar is holding in reserve up to $400,000 a year for this campaign for up to five years, or a total of $2 million.

We thank the following generous donors for their contributions to the Shelter from the Storm Partnership.  

Andrea Eveler Stanley
Barb Stump
Barbara Krier
Carolyn E. Steinhauser
Counsel Trust Company
Craig Milsten
Dean Dominick
Fulton Bank
Glatfelter Insurance Group
Jonelle Eshbach
Judy Blakey
Mac Brillhart
Michael & Alice Marie Boustead
PA Bar Foundation
PNC Foundation
Rehmeyer Trust

 Robert W. Pullo
Sarah Buhite
Scott Wagner
Steve Feldmann
The Graham Foundation
The Kinsley Foundation
The M & T Charitable Foundation
The Powder Mill Foundation
The Stewart Foundation
The W. Dale Brougher Foundation
The Warehime Foundation
Tim Grumbacher & Debra Simon
United Way of York County
Victoria Connor
York County Commissioners
York Traditions Bank